Saturday, March 16, 2013

More on Christmas 2013

So Domenic is now at the same preschool that both Quinton and Roman attended.  Here is his Christmas concert.  I thought he looked so handsome in his suit!

This year for one of the many sets of Christmas gifts that I made (there seems to be never-ending groups of people to whom I give presents)  Here is a countdown calendar.  I was pleased with how they turned out, but they were a time-consuming gift to make.

Have I ever mentioned that my children love to climb all over me?  Roman and Domenic are very jealous of one another, and when one is on my lap, the other one starts climbing up on me while pushing the first one off.  Needless to say, it is not fun for me, and I usually end up getting up and letting them know that "no one gets to sit with Mommy."  Antonio managed to capture a few pictures of the craziness before we managed a compromise.

Quinton waving to the camera.

I don't remember why Quinton was so upset, but Antonio snapped a few pictures of the meltdown.

Our annual trip to the Atlanta Children's Museum.

Roman spent at least an hour at the moon sand station.  He is extremely social, and was talking with everyone there.  Several sets of people, actually, since he was there so long!

Domenic and Quinton working on their masterpieces.

We ended the day at the train center. Unfortunately, by then the boys were very fussy.  This is in part because we thought they would have Chick-Fil-A for sale like they have in the past.  But it turned out that they no longer do that, so the boys were pretty hungry by the time we left.  

I wish these pictures weren't so fuzzy.  Domenic looked so cute in the little outfits! 

Christmas morning!

This year's set of Christmas Sugar cookies.  Ironically, my favorite ended up being the snowmen, which were one of the easier ones to decorate!  The gingerbread men holding the signs had different sayings, including "Merry Christmas,"  "Feliz Navidad,"  "Noel,"  and "Peace."  The gingerbread girls holding mini ginger bread cookies was one I was really excited about making, but didn't love as much upon completion.  I had a hard time figuring out how to get it to look like she was holding the cookie sheet.

Domenic absolutely LOVES blue cheese.  We had a blue cheese snack break, and I thought I would take a picture since I really cherish sharing these particular moments with my kids. By particular moments, I guess I mean sharing things with them that I really love myself.  It feels extra special to me to enjoy and activity with my kids that I personally love. (or in this case, sharing a food that we both really love).

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