A tradition that has carried on from my childhood is that the first Sunday of the month of December we make gingerbread houses at my mom's house. It has become a serious endeavor for her since growing up we just decorated one house. Now she makes a large house for her, large houses for my family and each of my two brothers' families, and little houses for each grandchild. For those of you doing the math, that is 4 large houses and 7 small houses.
Everyone hard at work!
Quinton working on his house.
My nephew Caleb and his dad, my brother Carter, working on his house.
Isaac's house in-process.
Carter Paul working on his house.
Domenic eying the candy table!
I had to take a close-up of Caleb's finished house - check it out!!!! Santa going down the chimney - and even his bag is full of toys. INCREDIBLE!!!!
Carter and Carter Paul helping me out with Domenic!! It is great to have so many people willing to hold him when we get together as a family. Despite Carter's pleadings, I didn't let him feed Domenic marshmallows! (not that I have anything against feeding my kids sugar - but I am against feeding them food they can choke on!!)
The final products and their proud designers!
The boys Christmas morning before we opened any presents. And, yes, Roman does look a bit of a mess!
Roman diving right in to play with his big Santa gift - a car garage.
Quinton's big Santa gift - a workbench. Since Grandpa and Grandma were in cahoots with Santa, their gift to Quinton was a box of wood and bolts, as well as a vice that had been kicking around at my parent's house for a while (when I say a while, I mean that the wood turned legs you see, are from the first year my parents were married!)
A table that Quinton made with his workbench. He and Roman had a tea party with his "Quinton bear."
One of the most miraculous things about this year's Christmas was that it actually snowed on Christmas day!!! (remember, this is Georgia!)
Adorable Roman. Hard to believe that last year's pictures of snow were with Quinton in this jacket! Little Roman is really growing up.
Quinton and a neighbor friend. Patrick is 3 years older than Quinton, but they still play together pretty frequently. The problem with Quinton being so big for his age is that people (and kids) think he is older than he is, but he definitely doesn't act any older than 5, which can sometimes create problems when he and Patrick play.
I love to have everyone over on Christmas Eve - usually after dinner we sing carols while I accompany on piano. This year my parents surprised us with musical pipes they made for each of us. We played several carols with the pipes - each person being in charge of one "number." Quinton loved it so much, I helped him set them all up on the broom handle so that he could play songs by himself. After he practiced, he put on a "show" for us and demanded that we sing along!
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